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Static Sites with Parse

4 minute read

Lately I’ve been really enjoying building my side projects on Parse as opposed to using Heroku. But it hasn’t all been a walk on the beach. I’ve encountered ...

Meiosis in Rails Apps

less than 1 minute read

After coming back from an exiting trip to the US and talking at GOGARUCO I had the chance to give a more technical talk this year in my own city of Tel-Aviv.

Building Board Games with Ruby - GoGaRuCo 2014

less than 1 minute read

I had the absolute pleasure of speaking at this year’s Golden Gate Ruby Conference in San Francisco. It was my first time speaking outside of Israel and it w...

Building an API with Rails: Parsing Data

4 minute read

Recently I had the chance of working on a project that was 95% API. There are tons of blog posts on the best practices behind building an API with Rails. Mo...